Ruby on Rails: is not picking up my stylesheet from application.html.erb?
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Ruby on Rails: is not picking up my stylesheet from application.html.erb?

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Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many developers have stumbled upon this frustrating issue, and we’re here to help you troubleshoot and resolve it once and for all.

What’s going on?

When you’re working on a Ruby on Rails project and deploying it to, you expect your stylesheet to be picked up and applied to your application, right? But sometimes, it just doesn’t seem to work as expected. The good news is that it’s not a issue; it’s simply a matter of understanding how Rails and work together.

Let’s dive deeper into the problem and explore the possible causes and solutions.

Causes of the issue

There are a few reasons why might not be picking up your stylesheet from application.html.erb:

  • Incorrect stylesheet location: Make sure your stylesheet is located in the correct directory. In Rails, the convention is to place stylesheets in the `app/assets/stylesheets` directory.
  • Incorrect stylesheet naming convention: Ensure that your stylesheet is named correctly. Rails looks for stylesheets with a `.css` extension, and the filename should match the name of the controller or action.
  • Not including the stylesheet in the application layout: Double-check that you’ve included the stylesheet in the `application.html.erb` file.
  • CSS syntax errors: A single syntax error in your stylesheet can prevent it from being applied. Check your CSS file for any errors or typos.
  • configuration: has its own set of configuration options. Make sure you’ve set it up correctly to serve static assets.


Now that we’ve covered the possible causes, let’s go through the solutions step-by-step:

1. Check the stylesheet location and naming convention

Verify that your stylesheet is located in the `app/assets/stylesheets` directory and has the correct name. For example, if you have a controller named `users`, your stylesheet should be named `users.css`.


2. Include the stylesheet in the application layout

In the `application.html.erb` file, add the following line of code to include your stylesheet:

<%= stylesheet_link_tag 'application', media: 'all', 'data-turbolinks-track': 'reload' %>

This will include the `application.css` file, which should contain the following code:

*= require_tree .
*= require_self

The `require_tree .` directive tells Rails to include all stylesheets in the `app/assets/stylesheets` directory, while `require_self` includes the `application.css` file itself.

3. Check for CSS syntax errors

Use a tool like the W3C CSS Validator or a code editor with CSS syntax highlighting to check for any errors in your stylesheet.

4. Configure

In your `render.yaml` file, add the following configuration option:

  enabled: true
  public_path: /public

This tells to serve static assets from the `public` directory.

5. Verify the stylesheet is being served

Use the Rails console or a tool like Chrome DevTools to verify that the stylesheet is being served correctly. Check the network requests to ensure that the stylesheet is being loaded.

Method Check
Rails Console `rails s` and visit `http://localhost:3000/users.css` in your browser
Chrome DevTools Open Chrome DevTools, navigate to the Network tab, and reload the page

Common gotchas

Keep an eye out for these common mistakes:

  • Not restarting the Rails server after making changes to the stylesheet
  • Forgetting to include the stylesheet in the application layout
  • Not setting up correctly


With these steps, you should be able to resolve the issue of not picking up your stylesheet from application.html.erb. Remember to double-check your stylesheet location, naming convention, and inclusion in the application layout. Don’t forget to configure correctly and verify that the stylesheet is being served.

By following these instructions, you’ll be able to get your Ruby on Rails application looking fabulous on in no time!

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Ruby on Rails developers, gather ’round! If you’re struggling to get to pick up your stylesheet from application.html.erb, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Check out these frequently asked questions and answers to get your styling back on track!

Q: Why isn’t picking up my stylesheet from application.html.erb?

A: This is likely due to the fact that doesn’t support inline stylesheets. Instead, make sure you’re using an external stylesheet file and link it in your application.html.erb file using the `` tag. This should do the trick!

Q: I’ve tried using an external stylesheet file, but it’s still not working. What’s going on?

A: Ah, pesky stylesheet issues can be frustrating! Double-check that your stylesheet file is in the correct location and is properly linked in your application.html.erb file. Also, make sure has permission to access the file. If you’re still stuck, try clearing your browser cache or checking the console for any error messages.

Q: Do I need to use a specific directory structure for my stylesheet file?

A: Yes, has specific requirements for stylesheet file locations. Make sure your stylesheet file is located in the `public/stylesheets` directory or a subdirectory within it. This should allow to access and render your stylesheet correctly.

Q: I’m using a CSS framework like Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS. Do I need to make any special configurations?

A: Ah, good question! If you’re using a CSS framework, you might need to configure it to work with Check the framework’s documentation for specific instructions on how to configure it for use with You might need to tweak some settings or add additional code to get everything working smoothly.

Q: What if I’m still having trouble after trying all of these solutions?

A: Don’t give up hope, friend! If you’ve tried all the above solutions and your stylesheet is still not being picked up, it’s time to dig deeper. Check the documentation, search for similar issues on Stack Overflow or Ruby on Rails forums, or reach out to support for personalized help. We’re rooting for you to get your stylesheet working in no time!

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